HABITAT in the big house!
The Horning Habitat Personalized Dual Language Academy has made it to the wall at Lindholm, alongside Flight, STEM etc.
The Dual Language Program is the largest and most success innovative learning path to date in SDW with near 1,400 students, 8 schools, 4K-10th grade and over 80 leaders!!
90 parents, students and staff joined the largest ever outing to celebrate and market the Dual Language Program. We FROZE our nalgas off, but it was fun. When you see Banting: Donna Hohl, Heyer:Jamie Martinson, Zach Bennett, Erica Ramos, Karel Corredor,Gabriela Parra, and Miguel Rodriguez, Blair: Lynn Rice, Tahereh DeLeon and Bethesda: Maria Viteri, PLEASE give them your thanks! Generating positive messages about DL, leads to robust enrollment, secures the longevity of the program, jobs and the opportunity to build a better world. It takes a lot of effort and heart.CCSS Spanish Mentor Text: Mi abuela no es la de antes por Maria Jose Orobitg i Della

Authentically written in Spanish, with illustrations consistent with Picasso's Blue Period, this mentor text is part of the Books del sur series available in the the 4 elementary school sites.
It is a story full of imagery, metaphor and culturally contextual language that is told from the point of view of a young girl as her relationship to her grandmother changes with aging. The potential to examine her point of view and how it changes, as well as the point of view of the grandmother makes this book very complex in terms of knowledge demands. The child in the books moves through stages of narcissism to a place of altruism as the family dynamic changes as her grandmother's health and personality change through the aging process. This is a story of love, and how we love and care for each other. There are multiple levels of meaning to explore and the theme is ambiguously explored across the text. The tone of the book is both somber and loving. The cultural knowledge in relation to sentence structure will allow students to develop a consciousness of language use that is exceedingly complex. Multi-conceptual, subordinate phrase sentences give the opportunity to explore a denseness of language leading to imagery only an authentic text can: hablar hasta por los codos, en las noches plenilunio tomaba baños de luna, enhebrar collares de caracol, palabras se diluyen en el aire are just a few pragmatic phrases that are embedded in the culture of this authentic text. While the graphics are only slightly complex, there are interesting uses of color that might impact the tone of the author or the comprehension of the reader. This book can support readers in examining 21st Century Global Competency in the the area of Recognizing Perspectives (google Asia Society recognizing perspectives). The ATOS Fountas and Pinnell text analyzer has placed this text as an independent read for a 7th grader, yet I would recommend this text as a mentor text for grades 4-5.
DL Family Information Session hosted at Lindholm by Blair Elementary
Invite interested families to learn about the Dual Language Program from 6-7PM. Sessions will be held in English and Spanish for parents interested in enrolling for 4K-1st grade. Blair Elementary will bring a teacher parent panel, as well as present the District program information. Our goal is to fill the program at 4K and 5K by January 21st See you there!
DL PLC and DL-EC PLC Thursday December 10th
9-12PM. Leaders, please bring your walk through data for the Dual Language portion of your tool!
12-4PM. EC's Bring your latest BUF, resources for next BUF and the HMH Science Readers! If you have any requests for texts, please have those accessible for our conversation.
Access Schedule Link
Due to lower than expected server capacity, only 150 students will be able to test in one day. For that reason, we ask that we all collaborate to test only on the scheduled days for our sites. Additional days are available at the end of January should we need additional flexibility.
Dena McCormick will be organizing the distribution of the KITS.
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