Thursday Update January 28, 2016
ACCESS Testing ends 2/5/2016!!!!!
(Please reach out if you are finding any struggle in completing the tests at your site)
Dates to be aware of:
February 9, Dual Language Family Information Session 6-7 pm Lindholm featuring Banting Staff and Families
February 10 DL PLC-Principals and ECs.
- STAR Mid Year Data Delve,
- Human Resources and Staffing 2016-2017
February 18, Dual Language SEE IT LIVE! 9-2pm all sites student lead tours and classroom visits.
Customized Education Solutions in Bollingbrook Illinois has the largest selection of Spanish Texts for Dual Language Classrooms in the Country!!!!
We are invited to visit their show room on March 11-12 (A Saturday).
Please email dmgarcia@ if you are interested in personally selecting text for your grade level curriculum. The goal is to ensure quality, linguistically complex texts aligned to our units of study in CLM/BUFS.
Spanish Science and Engineering Guided Readers ON THEIR WAY TO YOUR BOOK ROOM k-5!!
To support your Science BUFS, and guided inquiry, readers in Spanish will be arriving soon to your sites.
Check out the English version here
Common Core Mentor Text of the Month!
Escrito e ilustrado por Ivar Da Coll
3er grado
Temas del libro: biografía, la poesía, celebración de la cultura latina-la música, el arte
Temas posibles de CLM: La identidad (biografía)
Sinopsis: Esta historia se trata de la vida de Celia Cruz, conocida como la reina de la salsa por todo el mundo. A los estudiantes les gustarán las ilustraciones brillantes y coloridas y la manera que escribe el autor usando versos de poesía para explicar la vida muy alegre e interesante de Celia.
Ideas para usar este libro en clase:
-Investigaciones sobre Celia Cruz y otros músicos latinos, la historia de la música latina, el ritmo, el baile, etc.
-Lenguaje descriptivo; los adjetivos y palabras que riman.
-Palabras de secuencia, hablar de los eventos en orden cronológico.
Lindsay Vidal dual language 3rd grade, Bethesda
Marla Larsson's post is on temporary leave....see below. Congrats Marla!

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