Thursday Update
February 12, 2016
"Children grow into the intellectual life around them" -Lev Vygotsky
How are we creating an intellectual classroom culture for our learners?
Upcoming Dates:
February 18 9-2pm DL SEE IT LIVE!!!
February 25 4-4:30 NABE PRECONFERENCE MEET UP at LIN. 121
March 11 or 12th CES Field Trip (Spanish Book Warehouse), Bollingbrook Illinois
***coming soon, 7 Steps to a Better Dictado (joins the 7 Steps to a Better Bridge and Extension Video)
Celebrating Dual Language at the Middle School
Talk moves/Spanish/English DL Middle School PLC-Growing Biliteracy LEADERSHIP
email Elizabeth Gould for link
El barco de los ninos por Mario Vargas Llosa, (2016)
Para lectores de 5to-7mo. "En este mundo hay muchas cosas que escapan al control de la razón. Cosas extrañas, sorprendentes, increíbles y fantásticas. Son ellas las que convierten la vida en una impredecible aventura. Mi historia es una de esas, mi joven amigo. Aquí comienza el relato de una increíble aventura: la de un grupo de ninos que decidieron imitar a los cruzados y emprendieron un sorprendente viaje.

The first grade dual language students at Blair are busy learning about the science behind what causes seasons. Mrs. Sosa and Mr. Masis are using visuals as well as TPR to better understand the concept of how the earth rotates around its axis.
The students below are using TPR to learn the vocabulary word “inclinación”.
In the pictures below Mrs. Sosa and Mr. Masis are demonstrating with their globes how the earth rotates. This great visual allows the students to better comprehend the concept of the science topic that the teachers are trying to achieve.
In conjunction with these wonderful teaching methods in a dual language classroom, the first graders are using technology to better enhance their learning.
Below are some pictures that demonstrate the use of technology within this science topic.
Mrs. Sosa and Mr. Masis’ class have also taken nature walks around the school grounds to get a better understanding of the changes in climate and in nature as the seasons change.
This lays a great concrete fundamental practice in a dual language classroom to better enhance future learning.
It is evident that a lot of thought and planning went into this lesson to make it engaging for all students.
The strategies incorporated in this lesson consisted of academic vocabulary, oracy, and collaboration within science context.
Great job first grade dual language at Blair!!
Yvette Beilfuss
K5 Dual Language Teacher
Blair Elementary
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