Monday, September 17, 2018

TDP: Teaching for Biliteracy 2-ORACY, Starting Oct 4th

October ORACY Teaching for Biliteracy is back!
4 Sessions 4-6PM on Thursdays in October, Lindholm room 213
Sessions are in English, most of the time-ALL are encouraged to learn.

October 4, 4-6PM
Presenters D and Lindsay Vidal
Topic: BICS and CALPs, Expanding LANGUAGE: Word Phrase and Discourse
Prep Reading: T4B 66-69,
Strategies Modeled: Concept Attainment, Pictorial Input Chart (Project GLAD)
Learning Intentions:
Participants will know:
Participants will be able to:
How Common Underlying Language Proficiency can be impacted by Oral Academic Language Instruction (Oracy)
Describe with depth the relationship between BICS and CALP, Funds of knowledge and Language Transfer in CUP
The features of academic language Escamilla 20-23-What the research says.
Describe and distinguish in depth the features of academic language
The critical importance formative assessment plays in preparing for instruction and flipping the order of instruction
Engage with formative assessment tools
KNow the six premises of Bilingual Education
Align learning to one or more of six premises

Oct 11 - 4-6PM
Presenters Marisa and Marlene
Topic: Analyzing Academic Language Demands, Differentiating Supports High complex tasks
Reading T4B 51-57 (because of supports)
Strategies Modeled: Language Objectives, Think-Frame-Pair Share, Bilingual Pairs, numbered Heads together with sticks and spoons

Participants will know:
Participants will be able to:
The importance of moving from the concrete to the abstract
Plan for language instruction in concrete ways before, during and after content learning
The importance of cooperative and rehearsal support practices to develop academic language and
Create supports that move the role of teaching and learning to peer to peer interaction and language rehearsal-Oracy Continuum
Language is content teaching
Create Language Objectives with all three component parts, consult Oracy Continuum
Know the six premises of Bilingual Education
Align learning to one or more of six premises

Oct 18, 4-6PM
Presenters D and Marlene
Topic: Conferring on Practices - feedback on oral language Giving feedback to students around language
Reading:T4B 69-73, Escamilla 77-79
Strategy: Effective feedback

Participants will know:
Participants will be able to:
Link between oracy and literacy
Cite brain research on Biliteracy Transfer
Learn about 4 instructional practices that bolster oracy opportunities for learners
Make practice goals to implement one of the strategies and video record the implementation
Learn about effective and ineffective methods of feedback to grow language-Link to Oracy Continuum
Provide effective feedback through role plays to make partner “produce” the language.
Know the six premises of Bilingual Education
Align learning to one or more of six premises

Nov 1, 4-6PM
Lisa and Jamie C
Topic: Stronger, Clearer, CAT Tools- Teachers bring back evidence and discuss
Reading: Ch 3 Zwiers 19-36, 37-48 in Class

Participants will know:
Participants will be able to:
Learning is a collaborative process
Share their video and reflection in a small group of 3
Student to student discourse builds reciprocal learning
Implement stronger clearer, and evaluate Academic Conversation using the CAT
Teacher is responsible for orchestrating Academic Conversation and the social skills to achieve it-Oracy Continuum
Plan for instruction to improve or implement the elements of the CAT
Know the six premises of Bilingual Education
Align learning to one or more of six premises

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