Dr. Lisa Delpit received the award for Outstanding Contribution to Education in 1993 from Harvard Graduate School of Education, which hailed her as a “visionary scholar and woman of courage.” Her work on school-community relations and cross-cultural communication was cited when she received her MacArthur “Genius” Fellowship. Selected Publications: • Delpit, Lisa. (1995). Other People’s Children: Cultural Conflict in the Classroom. NY: New Press. • Delpit, Lisa. (1998). The Real Ebonics Debate: Power, Language, and the Education of African-American Children (co-edited with Theresa Perry). Boston, MA: Beacon Press. • Delpit, Lisa. (2002). The Skin That We Speak: Thoughts on Language and Culture in the Classroom (co-edited with Joanne Kilgour Dowdy). NY: New Press.
Advocate this Trick or Treat, by being sure to post the Dual Language Program Flier in your front window or door. DL Community Educators at sites received these fliers to distribute to all DL students/staff for posting. Neighborhood brand awareness and visibility is really important and what a great event to take advantage of!
Dual Language Program Goals:
Bilingualism and Biliteracy
Academic Achievement
Global and Multicultural Competence
Yesterday, 3rd grades from Mrs. Vankempen/Vidal's class performed in the bilingual classrooms at Bethesda by singing and dancing a Peruvian song.
They learned that in Peru , every 31st October people celebrate Dia de la Cancion Criolla (day of the Creole Song). The day honors a style of Peruvian music that dates back to the Afro-Peruvian music of the colonial period. Over the years, Cancion criolla has grown to include African, Spanish and Andean influences. These students and many others across the district are really meeting the goals of Global and Multicultural Competencies!
Here they are SINGING!
Here they are DANCING!
WI State Seal of Biliteracy
Tomorrow morning, D Garcia will be presenting the Wi State Seal of Bi-literacy to State Superintendent Tony Evers at DPI. Along with the Global Education Achievement Certificate, the Seal offers a pathway for students to demonstrate their global competency, college and career readiness, and in particular, the Seal offers SDW students to be recognized for their achievement of Bilingualism and Biliteracy at levels of advanced mastery. More information over the next few weeks are to come on this. To become further educated about the "Seal", scroll down and read the last item in this Thursday Update!
CCSS-Mentor Texts By Lindsay Vidal
The Upside Down Boy
El niño de cabeza
por Juan Felipe Herrera, ilustrado por Elizabeth Gómez
3er grado
Temas del libro: Biculturalismo, cambios en la vida, relaciones (entre Juan y su familia, su maestra y sus compañeros), la identidad, “el poder de las palabras”
Temas posibles de CLM: Relaciones, Identidad
Sinopsis: Este libro está basado en la vida del autor, Juan Felipe Herrera. Su familia se va a vivir a la ciudad después de trabajar como campesinos migrantes. Juan entra a la escuela por primera vez, sin saber hablar inglés y no entiende a la maestra ni a sus compañeros. El se siente “de cabeza” porque no entiende el horario, las tareas, y por que su vida había cambiado mucho. Pero cuando su maestra descubre que tiene un talento especial para el arte, la música y la poesía, Juan encuentra donde pertenece.
-Uso de lenguaje poético: -Mis pies flotan por las nubes cuando todo lo que quiero es tocar tierra. Soy el niño de cabeza.-
-Uso de las metáforas y lenguaje figurativo: -Papi Felipe con un bigote de palabras...-, -Derramo letras de la punta luminosa como un río flaquito.-
-Muchas metáforas se refieren a sus experiencias de vivir como campesino migrante en el pasado, y de su talento como escritor y artista
-La organización de las estrofas y las palabras en la página de forma creativa; en forma de olas, letras más grandes que otras
Vocabulario: canturrear, la armónica, relumbrante, ensayar, enroscarse
Las ilustraciones:
-Coloridas y brillantes, expresan las ideas y los sentimientos del personaje principal desde su punto de vista, dan pistas al lector sobre las experiencias de Juan en el pasado
Ideas para usar este libro en clase:
-Estudiando al autor; los estudiantes pueden leer y conversar acerca del libro El canto de las palomas por Juan Felipe Herrera que se trata de su vida como campesino migrante, para hacer comparaciones y conexiones entre los dos libros
-Uso de las estrategias bilingües para hablar de...
la frase “soy el niño de cabeza” y porque el autor decide usar esa frase para hablar de él mismo
las metáforas que se refieren a las verduras, al campo, a la naturaleza y a la música y porque el autor decide usarlas durante el cuento
las ilustraciones que muestran las experiencias de la vida de Juan y su familia
Lindsay Vidal dual language 3rd grade, Bethesda
Biliteracy Strategy by Marla Larsson
El dictado
We completed our first dictado in Kindergarten at the end of September during guided reading groups. Students were first shown how to write their names using one box for each letter. 100% of my class was successful with this. Then I asked them to write our first two sight words yo and soy. I have never before completed a dictado so early in the year, but I dove in to give it a try this year and was pleasantly surprised. 75% of my students were able to correctly write yo on their grid paper. Only 10% had success with soy, but many had one or more of the letters correct. I’m looking forward to our next one for me and gusta. The practice of dictado addresses three common core standards:
CCSS K 2d Deletrear fonéticamente palabras sencillas, usando el conocimiento de la relación entre fonemas y grafemas.
CCSS RF 3c Leen a simple vista palabras comunes de uso frecuente
CCSS RF 3a Demuestran el conocimiento básico de la correspondencia entre letra y sonido(de una en una) al producir el sonido principal o los sonidos más frecuentes que representan cada consonante.
What a great way to promote Waukesha One in our Dual Language Program!
● To promote early bilingualism and/or multilingualism, and to recognize and appreciate the achievement of young children who have invested their time and effort in speaking or signing in at least one other world language.
● To provide an opportunity for young children to start developing global awareness and the linguistic skills necessary to succeed in the 21st century.
● To provide a platform for children to showcase their multilingual talents and cross-cultural competency.
History of the Seal
In 2008, a group called Californians Together, designed a vision of the concept of the Seal of Biliteracy in response to state legislation making multilingual education illegal. By 2011, the California Legislature passed a bill creating the California State Seal of Biliteracy. In 2011, 165 school districts participated in the Seal, and by 2012, over 10,000 were awarded the Seal of Biliteracy. In 2012 New York State joined the coalition, and today 13 states have approved a State Seal of Biliteracy including Minnesota, Illinois, and Indiana. Iowa and MIchigan, like Wisconsin and seven other states are in the process of developing the legislation to support their State Seals. The State of Wisconsin Dual Language Collision comprised of School districts of Waukesha, Milwaukee, Racine, Kenosha, Greenbay, Middleton, Verona, Madison, and Delavan/Darien have been collaborating across the state to bring legislation to create the Seal of Biliteracy since 2011. The effort is in it’s final phases and a Seal is expected by July 2016.
What a great way to promote Waukesha One in our Dual Language Program!
● To promote early bilingualism and/or multilingualism, and to recognize and appreciate the achievement of young children who have invested their time and effort in speaking or signing in at least one other world language.
● To provide an opportunity for young children to start developing global awareness and the linguistic skills necessary to succeed in the 21st century.
● To provide a platform for children to showcase their multilingual talents and cross-cultural competency.
Maximizing Parent Teacher Conferences and parent-school relationships to grow the Dual Language Program. Thanks Heyer Leaders!
Connecting with families is critical everyday, but especially important as our enrollment window is upon us.
This month in Community Education:
Expanded 4K access next year ONLY IN response to parent demand! Help us to get them informed about what our programs offer.
Principals received the Dual Language Communication Binder (updated fliers, Parent FAQs, etc.
Dual Language Website updated with the informational videos for 2015-2016
Dual Language Community Education Liaison
T Shirt Promotion (we are buying extras for those last minute requests)
Neighborhood Trick or Treat Door Signs (Ask me about the Dual Language Program)
Pulling the School Team together to flier the Regional Service Area Businesses
Prepping for the November 10th Parent Information Session with the Bethesda Team
Organize staff, student and float for the X-MAS Parade!
Applications accepted December 1!!
The Bilingual Office calls over 100 Spanish speaking children's families with kids entering 5K in the fall each year. Parent education helps parents get connected early. Post card and mailings go out monthly reminding and inviting parents to come in and enroll.
Special thanks to this team for all they do!! (Donna, Marla, Lynn, Erica and Leti)
Un libro hermoso que ayuda explore el tema de la relación que uno tiene consigo mismo.
Peluso, un pájaro pequeñito y gris, tenía envidia de las mariposas. Y un buen día decide hacerse unas alas con papeles de colores. Pero las alas pueden más que él y se cae al suelo. Un niño, Marcos, le recoge y le cuida. Este es el principio de una amistad que tendrá sus problemas. Recomendado por los grados 4K a 1ro.
Modules to support English Language Learners and their teachers to maximize student learning and achievement
Module 1:
The School District of Waukesha data shows significant achievement and opportunity gaps for English Language Learners. As this population continues to grow, shared responsibility for their academic achievement is required. Part one of the EL modules provides background information regarding legal requirements for servicing EL students in our classrooms. During this module, teachers will examine their own backgrounds to understand and sympathize with the conditional factors that affect an EL’s academic achievement. The School District of Waukesha is developing an integrated service delivery model where EL teachers and classroom teachers collaborate and co-teach. At the completion of this module, teachers will be able to: empathize with an EL at all five language levels, describe how certain factors can affect language acquisition, and ensure that all students have access to and can be successful with the curriculum in accordance with their legal responsibilities.
As a continuation of the Module 1 will provide you with information and tools to set appropriate linguistic and academic expectations for English Language Learners (ELs). This module begins with a short video clip of a boy named Moises and one of his first experiences in school after immigrating to the U.S. Throughout the module, teachers will synthesize their take aways in teams by using a stop, sift, and scribe activity, a strategy usable with all students in their classrooms. After viewing the video clip, teachers will be able to: discuss factors that affect language development, describe the stages of language development, and define what an EL can do at each language level.
Module 2:
As a continuation of your learning about appropriate linguistic and academic expectations for English Language Learners (ELs) part three will provide you with specific strategies to support academic language acquisition for ALL students. Teachers will work in teams to learn and apply numerous strategies that will benefit ALL students. A reference guide will be provided for teachers to take back to their classrooms and use in team planning.
Module 3:
In addition to Module 3 on instructional strategies, Module 4 will support your skill in effectively evaluating English Language Learners. This module will prepare you to teach and assess your ELs with the same cognitive complexity and standards as fully proficient students. Teachers will work together to incorporate the Can Do descriptors and grade level content so learning is accessible and assessable for each student.
We know feedback to students is a critical component of the learning process as it informs instruction, guides the learner to self monitor and builds an understanding around the qualities of good work.
This video celebrates the feedback opportunities that were captured at Banting Elementary School-Thanks for Sharing what you do!
This course will prepare ECs, Coordinators, DL Teachers, Aides, Reg Ed Teachers, Leaders and just about anyone in our system for their role in leading dual Language.
No cost-credit available!
If you'd like to participate, please email
(Together we will determine when to start)
This week in CCSS-MENTOR TEXT: Un hombre, un nino y un burro por Jennifer Burrows
Moraleja:No intentes complacer a toda la gente, porque así nunca vas a complacer a nadie.
Un hombre y su hijo iban una vez con su burro de camino al mercado, mientras caminaban a su lado pasaba un hombre de campo que dijo: '¿para qué es el burro sino para que montarse sobre?'.
Así que el hombre puso al niño en el burro y siguieron su camino, pero pronto pasaron un grupo de hombres, uno de ellos dijo: 'Mira ese joven perezoso, él deja a su padre caminar mientras el monta cómodamente'.
Así que el hombre que ordenó al muchacho que bajara, y se subió el, pero no habían ido muy lejos cuando pasaron dos mujeres, una de ellas le dijo a la otra: '¡Qué vergüenza que patán perezoso como deja que su pobre hijo camine mientras el va en el burro'.
Bueno, el hombre no sabía qué hacer, pero al fin tomó su niño y lo subió delante de él en el burro. Para entonces habían llegado a la ciudad, y los transeúntes comenzaron a burlarse y apuntarles. El hombre se detuvo y preguntó de qué se estaban burlando y los hombres dijeron:
'¿No te da vergüenza de la sobrecarga que lleva el pobre burro contigo y tu hijo?'.
El hombre y el niño se bajaron y el hombre trató de pensar qué hacer. Pensó y pensó, hasta que por fin cortaron una vara, ataron los pies del burro a la misma, y levantaron la vara y el burro a sus hombros, iban entre las risas de todos los que los veían pasar hasta llegar al puente del Mercado, cuando el burro, con uno de sus pies sueltos, resbaló y cayó sobre el río, lo que provocó las caracajadas de todos los ciudadanos.
'Eso les enseñará', dijo un anciano que los había seguido.
This week in Practice!! (Thanks to Yvette Bielfuss!!)
Let’s celebrate the students at Blair using project based learning. Students are using concrete experiences to help in their understanding of Spanish terms. After this, students worked on the bridging of the content. Students then worked on an extension activity in English.
Using Dual Language pairings, students are communicating with one another to achieve their tasks.
These strategies incorporate academic vocabulary, oracy, collaboration, and extension within science context.
The Kindergarteners studied the parts of a tree through academic vocabulary as well as TPR and visuals.
They later went on a scavenger hunt to look for different parts of a tree.
They incorporated math concepts by tallying and graphing their findings.
After bridging, the students worked on an extension activity in English incorporating the changes of a tree throughout the seasons.
Mrs. Lopez and Mrs. Beilfuss’ Kindergarten Dual Language classrooms.
NABE: Extended entry for Writing Competition now until November 1st!!
Thanks Jessica Hegg, Kris Carey, Aaron O'Connell and Sarahi Monterrey for your leadership in submission of student writing!
T Shirts
All orders and Money due October 19!
Question: Can a parent order a child small or an adult small? Answer: YES!, just know, there may be little difference between child medium, and large and adult small. Also, child small is not that small, and is still big on the little ones.
What a great way to promote Waukesha One in our Dual Language Program!
● To promote early bilingualism and/or multilingualism, and to recognize and appreciate the achievement of young children who have invested their time and effort in speaking or signing in at least one other world language.
● To provide an opportunity for young children to start developing global awareness and the linguistic skills necessary to succeed in the 21st century.
● To provide a platform for children to showcase their multilingual talents and cross-cultural competency.
Are your Learners active in making their thinking visible? Are they seated in dynamic groups of diverse learners who value how each of them makes the team stronger? Are students provided scaffolds to produce language that is not currently part of their linguistic complexity?
This article provide a reflective look at how teachers can empower themselves to engage every learner with the curriculum, and learners to other learners!
This course will prepare ECs, Coordinators, DL Teachers, Aides, Reg Ed Teachers, Leaders and just about anyone in our system for their role in leading dual Language.
No cost-credit available!
If you'd like to participate, please email
(Together we will determine when to start)
What's New in Mentor Texts?:
Libro: “ La Otra Orilla”
Escrito e Ilustrador por Marta Carrasco de Chile.
La Otra Orilla escrito e ilustrado por Marta Carrasco. Es la historia de Graciela una niña que crece con su familia en su poblado a la orilla de un río. En la otra orilla hay otro poblado, con gente distinta, que según sus padres eran gente rara, que no se peinaban, que eran “vagos y bochincheros”. Sus padres, le prohíben cruzar el río, pero la curiosidad de Graciela crece, preguntándose “¿qué dirán ellos de nosotros?”.
Un niño desde la otra orilla, llamado Nicolás, le hizo señas a Graciela, y de ahí poco a poco nace una amistad. Graciela se dio cuenta que eran distintos, pero también muy parecidos. Su amistad era secreta. Ambos tenían un sueño: cuando ellos crecieran construirían un puente sobre el río. De esta manera, los habitantes de las dos orillas se visitarían millones de veces y sobre el rumor del río se escucharían los saludos y las risas.
Este cuento es una buena herramienta para ayudar a los niños y niñas a discutir la discriminación, el racismo y otros tipos de prejuicios. Al leer este cuento los niños y niñas podrían entender que no somos ni tan iguales, ni tan diferentes, sino que depende de nuestra cultura familiar, nuestras costumbres y tradiciones.
Las posibles áreas en donde podemos enfocar nuestra enseñanza son:
Familia: valores, enseñanza-aprendizaje
Diversidad Cultural: la diferencia entre costumbres y tradiciones de una población, gustos, lenguaje de una familia en particular a diferencia de otras.
Prejuicio o discriminación : por raza, color, apariencia física, estilo de vida.
Las unidades en la que podemos desarrollar estos temas son: Comunidad, Solución de problemas, Descubrimiento.
En cuanto al vocabulario, podemos trabajar con: rumor, murmullo, divisé, acortó, encresparon, acurruqué, vagos, bochincheros, rubio y chales. Los últimos cuatros son ideales para expandir el léxico local hispano.
Adicionalmente, durante el estudio de este libro notarán que una de las paginas Graciela y Nicolás están jugando con las piedras del rio y forman un diagrama de Venn con ellas. Esta es una excelente oportunidad para desarrollar las diferencias e igualdades entre los dos poblados. A su vez se puede desarrollar uno relacionado con comunidad de la escuela.
Este libro es apropiado para los grados K-2.
Espero que lo disfruten tanto como lo hice yo.
Karel Corredor
DL 1st grade at Heyer Elementary
What's new in language, literacy and content learning?:
Let’s celebrate what our youngest students at Heyer are doing.
Kindergarteners can now work as a team on an artifact !!!
Using this strategy involves oracy: sharing ideas, use of academic vocabulary/language and collaboration.
Martha Smilanich
DL Kindergarten
NABE: Extended entry for Writing Competition now until November 1st!!
Thanks Jessica Hegg, Kris Carey, Aaron O'Connell and Sarahi Monterrey for your leadership in submission of student writing!
T Shirts
All orders and Money due October 19!
Question: Can a parent order a child small or an adult small? Answer: YES!, just know, there may be little difference between child medium, and large and adult small. Also, child small is not that small, and is still big on the little ones.
What a great way to promote Waukesha One in our Dual Language Program!
● To promote early bilingualism and/or multilingualism, and to recognize and appreciate the achievement of young children who have invested their time and effort in speaking or signing in at least one other world language.
● To provide an opportunity for young children to start developing global awareness and the linguistic skills necessary to succeed in the 21st century.
● To provide a platform for children to showcase their multilingual talents and cross-cultural competency.
Did you ever observe students using a language other than English in your classroom, the cafeteria, the library or at a school concert?
Have you wondered, why do they do that when they know you do not understand?
Have you considered how a student's use of language is connected to his identity as a person?
If any of these questions or others have crossed your mind, causing you to wonder what "to do about it" or how to support students and the class climate, then this resource is for you!
Important notice to all elementary school, middle school, and high school students who are learning in two languages:
The National Association for Bilingual Education (NABE) invites you to participate in its 45th Annual Nationwide Writing Contest for Bilingual Students. THE DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION IS: November 1st, 2015
Write an essay about being bilingual, using the correct theme for the student's grade level, as listed below:
Students in Grades 3-5: Proud to Be Bilingual Students in Grades 6 – 8: The Importance of being Bilingual Students in Grades 9 -12: How being bilingual will assist me in my future endeavors
TRAVEL AWARDS: First Place Winners- Student winners, along with one (1) parent/guardian will travel to Chicago, IL to attend the NABE Conference Awards Luncheon on March 4, 2015. This will include: air travel ticket up to $500.00 per person, two (2) nights lodging at the NABE Conference Headquarter Hotel, (2) NABE Conference Registrations and two (2) NABE Awards Luncheon tickets, a total value of $2,500.
• Participation in the contest is limited to students who are enrolled in a bilingual classroom, or in a classroom with native language support. • Participants must have a B average or better in academic grades and at least a 90% school attendance record. • Previous winners are not eligible to participate.
Each essay will be judged on: (1) Development of the theme – 30%; (2) Originality – 20%; (3) Content and clarity of expression–30%; and (4) Grammar and mechanics – 20%
Only entries that comply with the following rules will be considered:
· Language: Essay must be written in the student’s second language. For example, if the student is participating in a dual language program and English is her/his first language, the essay must be written in the second and not in English.
· Subject: All essays must address the theme listed under “TOPICS” above for the appropriate grade level.
· Length: The number of words must be listed at the end of each essay. Lengths must be as follows: Grades 3-5: 150-200 words Grades 6-8: 250-350 words Grades 9-11: 400-500 words
· Format: The essay must be handwritten neatly in ink or Microsoft Word document, 12 Font, double spaced. Word documents must be submitted electronically via email – scanned Word documents will not be considered. If the essay is handwritten please scan document and submit via email. A cover page must be provided with the essay title and the student’s name. The student’s name should not appear on the essay. An additional page with a signed acknowledgement from the student’s teacher verifying that the student meets the contest eligibility criteria must also be submitted.
· Application: The online application form must be completed and submitted by teacher.
· Copyright: All essays become the property of NABE and will not be returned. NABE reserves the right to publish all essays.
JUDGING A panel of judges will select the national winners in each grade category.
ENTRY SUBMISSION Email submission: Deadline to submit: November 1st, 2015 - 11:59 PM CST
Email: Your email subject should read: 2016 Student. The email body should include the applicant's name.
Contest entries to be submitted by teacher.
Deadline: All nominations must be received by November 1, 2015 at the email listed below. The winner will be notified by December 15, 2015.
Entries from students from all language backgrounds are encouraged.