Thursday, October 17, 2019

ENIL-One month in! Lot's to celebrate!!! Go Team

Our Journey with ENIL started for real in mid September-here is how we are doing!  Staff at all three middle schools, and Heyer Elementary are using ENIL for the assessment of Spanish Reading! 
1: not yet, 4:I am a pro

Multilingual Theory of Action: A multi-year guide to organizational excellence for Multilingual

The Department of Multilingual Education performs complex functions for our School District, Staff, Students and Families.
The 2019-2020 Theory of Action Refers to the Leadership Support and Action in the District.  These are the strategic plan to develop the system to create impactful outcomes for students.
IF ALL educators ensure access to language learning and content,
If leaders ensure systems to develop, share,
implement and monitor the utilization of
SMART Individualized Language Plans
Links to system learning here:
Then English Language Development
Teachers will develop the expertise to
strategically co-plan, co-serve, and coach
for linguistic accessibility and proficiency.
If leaders ensure that teachers are willing
and able to gather, analyze and
use ENIL data for strategic,
personalized instruction of Spanish Literacy

Then biliteracy teachers strategic and
standards based instruction will cause at
least one year growth in ALL students.
If leaders create the systems to
analyze school wide and sub group
data using SST, PST and PLC
Then these structures will ensure that
teachers link practice to impact on student
If leaders gather and analyze shadowing
data on the cognitive engagement of grade
4, 7 and 9 English Learners
who are at risk of/are L-TELL
Link to System Learning Here
Then the system will draw attention and
focus for targeted feedback, professional
development and action research to
significantly impact the learning  and
cognitive engagement of L-TELL student
through the improvement of instruction.
Then Language Learning* Students will equitably access and
demonstrate achievement in language proficiency and grade level

LTELL-Long term English Learner.  A student who has been enrolled 6 or more years, or at risk of
being enrolled 6 or more years and who does not reach proficiency in English or Academic Content.
Language Learning Students-Students who are learning a new language, simultaneous bilinguals
and those who are learning new language in their home language.

Multilingual and Global education 
Theory Of Action
If the multilingual, global education department develop and embed themselves in an adult learning framework 
If data drives development of language acquisition (Oracy) and transfer of skills (ie.Meta-linguistic Awareness)
Then teachers will plan, and deliver effective and rigorous instruction for academic language learners.
If ELD Teacher Leaders “embed” themselves in the learning environment purposefully,  visibly and consistently
Then relationships,  trust and feedback will lead to authentic and sustaining partnerships, practices and learner performance
If we create a system  (quarterly, grade levels, and monthly site PLCs) for district wide collaboration around specific ELD/DL curriculum 
Then fidelity of ELD/BUF curriculum implementation will be met, and ALL (academic language learners) will access a guaranteed and viable paired literacy curriculum upon which our model depends.
If we develop a consistent leadership framework for administration, ECs, and teacher leadership driven by learner performance and teacher practice data 
Then we collectively ensure the consistency in messaging, development of skill in each role and ensure site based skills and support for ALL (academic language learners). 
Then  the multilingual, global education department will ensure the skill and the will to meet the needs of ALL (academic language learners). 

Oracy: Oral Academic Language Acquisition/Language Objectives
DL Only, Transfer: Metalinguistic Awareness
EL Only, Transfer: Content Driven Language Learning/Co-Teaching

NEW DL TEACHER REQUIRED PD: Teaching for Biliteracy 4-Metalinguistic Awareness

Teaching for Biliteracy 4: Metalinguistic Awareness
Nov 6, 13, 20 and Dec 4

Each language has its own dedicated space, we use English ONLY for some instruction and Spanish ONLY for other instruction. We do not mix languages, although we value bilingualism and the skills students bring as bilinguals.  So, where do we ensure that our students are putting their languages in contact?  During moments of bilingual meta-linguistic awareness, and in Dual Language Classrooms, specifically in the BRIDGE.

Join all NEW DUAL Language Teachers November 6, 13, 20 and December 4th for Teaching for Biliteracy 4: Focus on Bilingual Metalinguistic Awareness.

In this session, participants will learn how and when to facilitate a Side by Side comparison of the phonology, morphology, syntax and grammar, and pragmatic use of each of their languages IN CONTACT.
These practices are used after the summative assessment of learning in the target language so that our students are able to learn the new labels in their partner language.  This is how content transfers!
ALL NEW TEACHERS ARE SIGNED UP FOR THE PD-You do not need to sign up.  Room numbers are being worked out now!  Your trainers are the wonderful Alyssa Briester and Yazmin Duran!

Link to deeper learning here!

Department of Multilingual Education, Theory of Action
Link to LearningDepartment of Multilingual Education, Theory of Action


If you haven't yet, please take the Dual Language Word Study Survey

DL Word Study First Grade: Word Study Lesson are for 3-4 Weeks, sometimes months are longer than that.  First grade teachers should feel empowered to review the skills of the month for mastery based upon writing samples that reveal continued need amongst student groups.

DL Word Study Units 4-6:  Units are underway.  Your comments have been very, very helpful to support our team with essential feedback to make these lessons as strong as they can be.  Please continue to share your experiences.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

DL Word Study 1st Units Survey

The Dual Language Word Study Units are new and refreshed for 2019-2020.  All Word Study Units are aligned to Common Core Standards for the grade level in Spanish with adaptations to the Word Study Continuum in English to accommodate for the start of English Reading in 2nd grade and the Biliteracy transfer that our students bring to all of their literacy.

The Units are intended to be used as Universal Instruction and there may be students who are not yet ready to master all of the skills.   Mastery at the individual level occurs within a student's zone of proximal development; however, we all believe all of our students deserve access to grade level standards and instruction.

This month, third grade students have been learning a lot about words "esdrújulas y sobreesdrújulas".  These skills are review skills in fourth grade.    Next year, fourth grade teachers will be in for a treat when their students have these skills because of consistent instruction the year before.

Let us know how the units are going!  Your feedback is critical!  Also, please contact your coach to model any of the units-we want you to be successful in this much needed area of instruction for our Dual Language Learners!

Please take the Dual Language Word Study Survey

Update Spanish Reading Assessment Pilot: ENIL

In the 2018-2019 school year, a skilled team of Dual Language teachers came together to explore the potential of leaving STAR reading behind.  As a department, we felt that we needed better information about our students reading, the kind that was diagnostic enough to situate the needs of our learners around standards based skills to move them ahead.
The settled on the ENIL: Evaluacion del Nivel Independiente de Lectura.

Last week, teachers from Heyer, Butler, Les Paul and Horning took a deep dive into baselining our students using the ENIL. What we discovered was AMAZING!  The tool allows teachers to dig very deeply into the places that might be holding our students reading comprehension back. And, what we found, was that many of our students struggled with the Tier II and Tier III academic vocabulary and language they need to read successfully, with literal and inferential comprehension much above a 3rd or 4th grade level.  We also know, that with the implementation of our word study units- we will be closing the gap for our students, gaps that keep them from choosing to read in Spanish because they simply cannot comprehend deeply!  ENIL is different from Rigby in its intention to secure independent reading levels, create agency and aficcion por la lectura en espanol, and in its specific diagnosis and then direction for teaching points in small groups, conferring and in independent practice.
Below, a video of a student engaged with the ENIL Assessment and the visual of the Developmental Reading Taxonomy.  More to come on ENIL as it unlocks pandora's box around what real reading could be for a bilingual kid.

Content Based Paired Biliteracy: New Social Studies Standards

The School District of Waukesha has adopted the 2019 Wisconsin Social Studies Standards.  Within the standards, we are expecting to address some major shifts that will impact our Content Based Paired Biliteracy curriculum in Dual language. 

We are fortunate to celebrate that we have aligned CCSS Reading and Writing Standards and expectation to our current curriculum, and that we have several units that address standards within the grade level.  The challenge is that some whole grades and several units within grades do not meet the standards of the grade.   No worries! Our state social studies representative is very happy we are teaching with the old standards for now.   As new standards are developed, new learning and perspectives on the vision of graduate also develops-and will require us to shift, change, and enhance our work. We have found great value in the texts choices made in our BUFs and CLM units and hope to continue the conversation about how learning coalesces for kids across their daily and annual experiences in our classes.

I want to recognize the contribution of each of you in developing a curriculum made with our learners in mind. Because our work has been such a team effort, I felt it extremely important to understand how we could continue to leverage it and access it as we move ahead to implement standards rather than adopting a new curriculum without our work in mind.  So, a team got together Monday, September 30th to complete a cross walk between our current Social Studies content and the new standards.  One teacher per grade level collaborated cohesively across grades 2-5 to map out SS standards in the areas of History, Geography, Economics, Poli. Sci. and Behavior.   As a result of this work, this team is clearer about suggestions to move forward. The work completed this week will inform a larger team on the potential of using Dual Language Curriculum for all learners, as well  as adaptations, enhancements or renewal that must occur to ensure that our students are college and career ready.
A social studies multidisciplinary team is meeting throughout this year to continue the work over the
next few years: these members include administrators, coaches, and teachers K-12.  
Link to SS Standards